Last Updated on 2022-09-11 by 梁 震明
Far beyond the Frozen Air – Pine Trees and Calligraphy by Lee Yi-Hong and Lee Mau-Cheng
Lee Yi-Hong has made his name and has his position in the tradition of Literati painting. The techniques of his painting are matured, the compositions are neatly in order, however, there is always a touch of poetic aura floating in his artworks, which can be most obviously distinguished in his painting of pine trees and in his calligraphy as well.
It would be inadequate to describe this poetic aura as “un-secular ”, quite the reverse, the spiritual liveliness and lightness are growing from the secular land.
When Lee Mau-Cheng came back from a joint exhibition in Korean, he recognized that pine trees could only be properly represented by their own. It seemed to him, that the pine trees could not be coexisting with other trees in his paintings. However, this unable-to-coexist doesn’t come from arrogance or the sense of exclusion. Lee argues, pine trees are happy to be with themselves by nature: they are never being alone, they are accompanied by themselves.
展覽地點:赤粒藝術 台北市大安區大安路一段116巷15號